Just when I was starting to think that nothing would ever happen again, I found myself vibrating again. So naturally, I started to chant again. Why mess with a good thing? But it was more of a song this time. I did use the same chant as far as wording, but instead of flat out chanting, I varied it to a tune that I must have improvised. I certainly did not recognize it anyway. The result was a fascinating looping flight that varied as the melody changed. It may have been totally worthless in the long run, but it felt nice. Towards the end I finally started to have visuals with this, but they totally disrupted the feel of the experience, and it ended shortly after they started.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
More and more experiences related to internal chanting
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Chanting three and four
It is almost like I have no choice about it anymore. Chanting.
This next time was a week or so ago, and was fairly short in duration. I remember that in my field of vision as chanting began, I saw a dark disk in the center of my vision. I raised my right arm and started circling it around that disk. As I did this, a very colorful kaleidoscope appeared, and stayed for the duration.
Now, just last night it happened again. This time I was on my back, a position I almost never stay while asleep due to it causing me to snore. And even if I have an OOBE while on my back, I usually try to stop it and move to my side. But for this time of inner chanting, I stayed on my back maintaining complete awareness and control of my breathing during the chant. I never once had any problems breathing.
One weird thing was that I opened and closed my mouth quickly as if maybe I was trying to actually mouth the words of the chant. What this caused was an amplification of the inner energy surge brought on by chanting. I was aware of noises in the room but kept in the moment. The sensations are so peaceful and I feel like they are very beneficial to me at this point of my life. If I could bottle up this stuff, I could sell it for a fortune. It is everything that an OOBE only hints of as far as sensations go. During these times I feel absolutely at peace and have zero desire to make it change into any other type of experience.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
again with chanting
Last night I had a return of the mantra related experience. I woke up a couple of hours after going to bed, and decided to try repeating the mantra “Om Namah Shivaya” as I had in the previous entry. After a few minutes, I had a surge of energy similar to what was described before but ever so slightly stronger and smoother. This energy also seemed to pulsate with my repetition of the mantra. I started to flat a bit, but remembered that my goal was not to go out of my body but was to experience this in my body for as long as possible. I raised my right arm above me (non-physically) and noticed that at least two different times something appeared to gently squeeze my hand as if in reassurance. This first episode ended. I turned to look at the clock, and roughly 40 minutes had passed.
I returned to the mantra, and spent at least 3 more periods of going into this state with brief pauses in-between. When I finally decided I had had enough for a while, I looked at the clock again and it was more than two hours later than the last time I had checked.
I did not appear to loose consciousness during any of these periods and have no memory of actually leaving my body after that first brief levitation.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Another first time event . . . with chants
It means "I bow to Shiva." Shiva is the supreme reality, the inner Self. It is the name given to consciousness that dwells in all. Shiva is the name of your true identity- your self. “
Monday, January 31, 2011
A first of a different kind of OOBE?
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Weird dream and false awakening
Monday, July 26, 2010
Long trip to nowhere
This time I was aware of at least 10, if not 15 separate starts and stops- more like a long series of waves of vibrations over an extremely long time. I was awake through it all. I was aware of myself in bed. I could hear outside noises. Wait- some of those outside noises were from a set of sprinklers going in the yard, so that can help pinpoint a time for this. I was aware of the sprinklers for at least the first 5 or so waves. The sprinklers turn off at midnight, and I finally stopped the experience and looked at a clock at 12:30 am. So that puts the time span at least to 30-45 minutes.
A “Wave” is the best way to describe this. There was always a background energy level. The intensity of vibration would build up, come to a crashing crescendo and then rapidly fall off to the background level to only build up again.
The first couple of times I tried my usual activity to leave and go someplace. But I guess I had no clear intention and I would just return again to my body. This is a normal pattern for me. Usually on the next try, I would get out and have a good trip someplace. Once I remember asking to see my guide. I put out my hands and sure enough I felt someone grab them. Off in the distance I could see someone. I heard laughter, and then I was back again. The rest of the experience, I just stayed in, so to speak. I coasted in the experience, just seeing how long it would last, listening to the outside world through the filter of the vibrations, feeling various parts of my body- seeing if I could get a bit more comfortable without killing the vibes. I was amazed at how long it continued. It would build up, and then crash and diminish only to build again.
I lost count of the number of waves that had happened. I could track back the last 5 or so in my head as this was happening, but it started to get a bit hazy when I tried to think of the total overall. Towards what I was beginning to realize would be the end, I tried a visualization experiment. I visualized what turned out to be a heavy ceramic coffee mug. I could feel it in my “hands.” It felt smooth and as heavy as a coffee mug would feel. I wondered what it would feel like to put it to my mouth, and it was just as you would expect. I imagined that there was actually coffee in it and tilted it back to take a drink. I felt the coffee in my mouth, but there was no swallowing. It just sort of was absorbed into my mouth as it came out of the mug. All the while, I could feel the vibrations, and as they started to diminish again, I felt as if it was time to stop all of this and go to sleep.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Maybe another coincidence
There is a person I knew ages ago and have only kept in touch with irregularly since then. In all cases since we have known each other, I have been the one to reestablish contact after a period of absence. I had currently not talked to this person in almost four years. Maybe that is why I chose them for the target person to contact in my OOBE of a couple of days ago. I was going to write about the OOBE right when it happened, but thinking back on it, standing alone, it was not really a remarkable event. And I am not sure I remembered enough details about it to even make it one I chose to include here. That was not until what happened two days later. This person contacted me.
It was not a remarkable OOBE as they go for me. I swung out and seemed to travel in ever increasing spirals as I went where ever I was going. I started to think of my target person, someone from the past more than a current thought in my mind. I was not really sure why I thought of them at this particular time.
After a time of traveling, I found myself flying down towards a sail boat of some sort. Off to one side I saw my target person standing. I continued down to them and made some sort of contact. Thinking back, I am not as sure I recognized them as they appeared to me then, or that I recognized the energy I had associated with them in the past. But, I knew I had the right person.
Overall, the contact was brief and I am not able to remember any one detail of it. That is one reason I was not about to write this one anywhere. What was the point?
Then I heard from them in real life not two days later. Initially, I did not think of the OOBE I had as possibly being related. But, this is the first time since we met almost 40 years ago that they have been the one to approach me after a long time of no contact. Why have they contacted me now? I am not sure. I have never discussed my “hobby” with them and I doubt they would understand. Maybe I am reading more into this than is really there. It is probably just an odd coincidence.