Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Not much happening here

 Hello again-

I have allowed myself to drop out of life a bit. That hasn’t worked before, I am not sure why I thought it would now. 

The world always finds a way to bring your focus back to things that matter.  

I am now approaching three years since my last major out-of-body experience. There have been a few minor contacts, more of a quick test to verify my connection is still there. After a lifetime of experiences, I doubt they will stop for good now. There have been large gaps of inactivity before. 

March signifies three major events in my real life. In March, I met my late wife. In March, we got married. And in March, she passed. Knowing what I do about things, I know we will be together again. In the physical part of life, I know she hasn’t gone anywhere. I am reminded of that daily. 

I have been writing elsewhere. I used to fantasize about writing a novel. The first time I sat at my home computer with MS Word open, I was too intimidated to try. Now I have a trilogy. And since I exhausted that original idea, I have started a totally new idea.  

I had told a Russian acquaintance (We haven’t been in contact recently) I met in an alt-OOBE newsgroup in 1995 or so, about my writing. I sent her my first one. She didn’t like it. She didn’t want to read a love story and told me I should write about my out-of-body experiences. I already have written about them. I wanted to explore a character closer to who I am in my life. To me, everything has a love story in it anyway, so I decided to take her idea and merge it with a love story. 

That is what I have been working on recently; how to write a love story that includes a character who has out-of-body experiences. Usually, when I am writing, I become so immersed in the story and characters, that I think of it constantly. They practice their lines in my head. I had thought by doing the story, I might trigger more OOBE activity in my life. It hasn’t happened yet.  

My story starts with my character having an out-of-body experience in 2022. He is drawn to a certain place where he meets a woman who thinks it is 2012. 

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Back to August 2015


Originally from Sunday, August 9, 2015

I feel like I saw A early this morning. I have tried many times in the last couple of years, but I have not been successful. One time early on, I had tried, and the mere mention of her name was enough to shut the experience down. This time, I not only had been successful, but I had an experience that allowed me to go to her, in a house that reminded me of the house she is in now. The thing about this experience is that it felt so real at the time I thought I was actually there with her. And since I have tried for this type of experience before and failed, it is interesting to me that now for some reason, I was able to do it. What if anything was different? 

In it, as I travel east, the darkness brightens to near sunny as it should have having started here at 4 am and going three time zones east. I touch down in a room where I see her. At first, she has her back to me. She turns to me. She appears just as she is in real life. I know it is A at the time. It looks just like her, it sounds like her, and every detail about her seems right. She is happy to see me. The door to the room we are in is closed. She comes to me and we embrace, suddenly falling on a couch, or maybe a bed or futon, hugging each other as we fall. We both laugh in a way that seems very real to me. We kiss. I realize just how real it feels as I pull back a bit to look at her face close up. It is her eyes and smile that get me. It is her. I can see her. There is no detail out of place. She asks me why I am looking at her so funny. I tell her I am trying to convince myself she is real. She answers, “You are trying to convince yourself I am REAL?” 

I ask if I can check one more thing, and slowly reach out to pull her bangs away from her forehead. Her hair feels so soft. She reacts as I briefly touch her forehead. The wrinkle she hides with her bangs is there just as it had been when she originally showed it to me.

As good as it feels to be there with her, I think we both know that there are others in the house. Like maybe her husband and kids? Maybe I say that, or maybe she does. I ask if there is a place we can talk without the worry of waking anyone. She responds, "Yes, in the kitchen.” She gets up to open the door, and I see the house is dark. But bright enough to see that there are other people around. Maybe more family visiting? I can't tell if they are asleep or just really not able to hear or see us as we pass. I am not sure why they would be sitting in the near dark, if not sleeping. They almost look like shadows of real people, and not anywhere as real as she is to me. We start to go down the stairs. She asks how I got there, and I tell her I flew there by myself. She looks at me like I said something odd because she knows I don’t like to fly. 

Going down the stairs, I see several small lit Christmas decorations along the banister as if being used for night lights. This strikes me as odd because I know in “real-time” it is early in August. Something about this exchange and seeing the decorations is a distraction to me, and the experience fades much as Richard fades from his experience in “Somewhere in Time” when he finds a penny from his current time inadvertently left in his pocket. I am there walking downstairs one moment, and I feel myself fading out of her awareness. 

It was almost a perfect experience. If it had only not ended. I know parts of the setting may not have been totally real, but I felt as if I was really with her. Did I enter a dream of hers? I have had other experiences similar to that with others in the past. But maybe since I know A better than most of those people, it seemed so much more real to me with her. And I have to wonder, although I will never know, if she had a dream that I had popped into that in any way was similar to my experience. It has happened to me before. 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Dream of a past OOBE

This was not any sort of lucid dream. I remember very little of what happened in a dream until I was near a group of people who were talking to each other. I did not know anyone there but started to listen because they seemed to be talking about other-realms in the non-physical planes.   I sort of budded in and told them I had had an experience close to what they were talking about.  This one was one way early in this blog, called   Confrontation   .

This is pretty weird to me that I could be dreaming, and tell someone in a dream the details I remember from this early OOBE from around 44 years ago.  Maybe the time is getting nearer when I will remember what I had been told “out there”?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Weird dream and false awakening

This was not a typical OOBE for me, or even a lucid dream of an OOB event. It did have a false awakening though, so somehow it fits the category of non-physical.

I was dreaming I was at work at my office job, but not any office I remember ever actually working. I was going to meet my new boss. Everyone else seemed to know this person already. As I was waiting, I suddenly and with no thought of my own stood on one leg, and started to spin. Even though I had not thought of doing this, it seemed normal in some way as if I had known how to do it all my life. This would be like a figure skater doing a scratch spin, but with no skates and no ice.

As I spun, I became aware of energy starting to form around me. And it was spinning with me. When I stopped, the energy went on spinning. I noticed that my boss had entered and was directing some sort of energy field towards me. Maybe, my energy was supposed to shield me from this new person? I am not sure. I put out my hands to defend myself from the beam of energy directed towards me. It was intense. I could not fight it.

I woke up.

Or did I?

I woke up and was confronted by a sudden burst of energy directed towards me from behind. It was partly a force field holding me motionless, and partly a energy beam being directed to various parts of my body at the same time. It was again, very intense. I could not stand the sound or the pressure of the energy being forced through me.

I called out to someone that this was going to kill me. I heard a response, "You will not die. I will die." The torrential stream of energy continued to blast through me.

I said, “This is going to make me crazy!!!” I heard no response. Or there actually was a response, but I could not understand it over the noise.

Then, it stopped.

I thought I was being watched. There was movement near me, and I saw someone peering into the room from above the doorway over the shinning of a small flashlight which had been directed towards me. Then a young girl of around 6-7 walked into the room from the other direction. She had reddish blonde hair cut very short. She just stood there and stared at me. Then the one with the flashlight came in. He was obviously her brother with similar features and hair, and probably 3-4 years older than she was. I have vague memory that a third child, younger than the others was also there, but just at that point I woke up for real.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Trying to avoid the inevitable in pre-cognitive dream

When I was married, long ago, my wife had a dream that she could not deal with, and went way beyond her scientific training. Here is how I described it at the time. 

“She did have one odd dream when I knew her. It was totally of circumstances that made no sense to her at the time. In fact, she had not told me about this dream- odd as it seemed- until she started seeing certain parts of it happening in real life. 

Long story short, it involved a car crash that we were in. But she could not resolve the circumstances of the crash. We were with people she did not know at the time, on a road we seldom took while driving- and neither of us was driving. 

We were getting a ride from people I knew, but she had not met yet. Anyway, somewhere in the visit that night, she realized her dream was starting to happen. She totally freaked out and made us drive instead of getting a ride from my friends- so we would not be in the circumstance she had dreamed of. 

Even so, we did find ourselves on that same road on the trip going home. And although we made it home in one piece, it was not without a close call. Someone came close to hitting us, pulling out into traffic after not coming to a full stop from a side road. Maybe my friend would not have seen this car if he had been driving. Maybe my wife having told me about it just made me extra alert to people doing odd things. . .”