Sunday, March 6, 2022

Not much happening here

 Hello again-

I have allowed myself to drop out of life a bit. That hasn’t worked before, I am not sure why I thought it would now. 

The world always finds a way to bring your focus back to things that matter.  

I am now approaching three years since my last major out-of-body experience. There have been a few minor contacts, more of a quick test to verify my connection is still there. After a lifetime of experiences, I doubt they will stop for good now. There have been large gaps of inactivity before. 

March signifies three major events in my real life. In March, I met my late wife. In March, we got married. And in March, she passed. Knowing what I do about things, I know we will be together again. In the physical part of life, I know she hasn’t gone anywhere. I am reminded of that daily. 

I have been writing elsewhere. I used to fantasize about writing a novel. The first time I sat at my home computer with MS Word open, I was too intimidated to try. Now I have a trilogy. And since I exhausted that original idea, I have started a totally new idea.  

I had told a Russian acquaintance (We haven’t been in contact recently) I met in an alt-OOBE newsgroup in 1995 or so, about my writing. I sent her my first one. She didn’t like it. She didn’t want to read a love story and told me I should write about my out-of-body experiences. I already have written about them. I wanted to explore a character closer to who I am in my life. To me, everything has a love story in it anyway, so I decided to take her idea and merge it with a love story. 

That is what I have been working on recently; how to write a love story that includes a character who has out-of-body experiences. Usually, when I am writing, I become so immersed in the story and characters, that I think of it constantly. They practice their lines in my head. I had thought by doing the story, I might trigger more OOBE activity in my life. It hasn’t happened yet.  

My story starts with my character having an out-of-body experience in 2022. He is drawn to a certain place where he meets a woman who thinks it is 2012.