Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Chanting three and four

It is almost like I have no choice about it anymore. Chanting.

This next time was a week or so ago, and was fairly short in duration. I remember that in my field of vision as chanting began, I saw a dark disk in the center of my vision. I raised my right arm and started circling it around that disk. As I did this, a very colorful kaleidoscope appeared, and stayed for the duration.

Now, just last night it happened again. This time I was on my back, a position I almost never stay while asleep due to it causing me to snore. And even if I have an OOBE while on my back, I usually try to stop it and move to my side. But for this time of inner chanting, I stayed on my back maintaining complete awareness and control of my breathing during the chant. I never once had any problems breathing.

One weird thing was that I opened and closed my mouth quickly as if maybe I was trying to actually mouth the words of the chant. What this caused was an amplification of the inner energy surge brought on by chanting. I was aware of noises in the room but kept in the moment. The sensations are so peaceful and I feel like they are very beneficial to me at this point of my life. If I could bottle up this stuff, I could sell it for a fortune. It is everything that an OOBE only hints of as far as sensations go. During these times I feel absolutely at peace and have zero desire to make it change into any other type of experience.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

again with chanting

Last night I had a return of the mantra related experience. I woke up a couple of hours after going to bed, and decided to try repeating the mantra “Om Namah Shivaya” as I had in the previous entry. After a few minutes, I had a surge of energy similar to what was described before but ever so slightly stronger and smoother. This energy also seemed to pulsate with my repetition of the mantra. I started to flat a bit, but remembered that my goal was not to go out of my body but was to experience this in my body for as long as possible. I raised my right arm above me (non-physically) and noticed that at least two different times something appeared to gently squeeze my hand as if in reassurance. This first episode ended. I turned to look at the clock, and roughly 40 minutes had passed.

I returned to the mantra, and spent at least 3 more periods of going into this state with brief pauses in-between. When I finally decided I had had enough for a while, I looked at the clock again and it was more than two hours later than the last time I had checked.

I did not appear to loose consciousness during any of these periods and have no memory of actually leaving my body after that first brief levitation.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Another first time event . . . with chants

“Om Namah Shivaya is known as the great redeeming mantra also known as five-syllable mantra

The meaning :

It means "I bow to Shiva." Shiva is the supreme reality, the inner Self. It is the name given to consciousness that dwells in all. Shiva is the name of your true identity- your self. “

I include that here because for some reason, as my non-physical event started last night, I found that instead of my usual pattern of trying to just get out of my body, I started chanting the above mantra which I had first learned of nearly 30 years ago. I am not entirely sure why I did this, but it prompted another first time type experience.

It started with the familiar “chill” tickle sensation which I have noticed prior to the state from which I normally achieve my OOB vibration. This starts as a cold-chill type sensation at the lower back of my head, and goes out over my entire body in a manner of seconds. Usually, at this point, I can fall into the vibration energy, but it is not a sure thing. It takes a tricky balance of my desire to achieve it. Tonight, for some reason, instead of trying for the vibration energy, I simply started to chant internally, “Om Namah Shivaya”. I had no sooner started this and the cold chill sensation abruptly switched to a low frequency rumble.

Now, in the past I had had low frequency vibrations that were extremely difficult to take, and have over time raised them to smooth them out so I could even deal with them. There was something basically different about this sensation. As low a frequency as this energy was, maintaining this state seemed like something I could have done for hours. Actually, I am not sure how long I was able to maintain this. At some point as I continued to chant, I realized that the energy I felt seemed tied directly to the chanting, almost like it was a musical backing to the chant. I do not mean to say it had any sort of a tune associated with it. Because of the chant, I had none of my usual feelings of wanting to go anyplace at all, so I just stayed put. Eventually, I tried to move my hand, and then floated just above my seeming physical form. Later I realized that what I was seeing was not really me as I was, but at the time I thought it must be truly my body there. I have a memory of someone else seeing me as I just floated aimlessly, but then I returned to my body and found that the link to this sensation had ended.

I lay there wondering about what had just happened, and the chill started again. I resumed the chant, and the same sensation started to envelope me. This time I just stayed with it as long as I could, again noticing that as low a frequency as the energy was, how easy it was to stay in the grasp of whatever it was. I just kept chanting, and it buzzed around me. As time passed, I realized that my vision had started to change a bit. I started to see more of a lightened blue tone to what I was looking towards. I remember no details of this. I think I was distracted a bit by the changes to my vision, and this caused an end to the sensations.

As far as OOBEs go, this is not much to speak of. But it may be interesting from a meditation standpoint.

Monday, January 31, 2011

A first of a different kind of OOBE?

I have been doing OOBE work from most of my life since it forced itself on me in my mid teens after initially occurring as a very obnoxious case of sleep paralysis at even earlier age than that, and in all of those events since then, I have never experienced what happened to me last night.

It started out with my being awake and I was tossing and turning a bit trying to get comfortable. I ended up on my right side. Within seconds, I felt that all familiar prickling sensation like a cold chill, but not really, that usually goes into vibrations if I have the correct control of it. I had no idea what to do, but I thought if I tried to open my left eye in the physical realm, it might help to keep me focused on the physical. All I can say is “Wow!” First, I had to fight to keep my eye from closing, and in doing that, the sensations faded a bit. I let them start up again, and re-opened my eye. Then something odd happened.

The eye dropped closed again, and I saw a gradual opening into another world. Right in front of me, maybe ten feet away, was a woman with short dark hair staring back at me. What seemed odd is how fast this perception opened up. Also, she was making eye contact with me. This all seemed to be in very much 3-D and full color with an incredible sense of perspective.

She was talking to me, but I could not hear her and I did not seem to be able to speak myself. A couple of other people came up from the side and slightly behind her, and they made me a bit nervous since I did not seem to be able to communicate and had no idea where I was. So I did what I might think to do in real life. I raised my arm and tried to motion to them to stay back. And I felt and saw my very physical appearing full color arm rising up in front of me very much like it would be in real life. I saw it as my arm, and it was in the place a real arm would be if it were making that motion. I say it was my arm, but it looked nothing like my arm really. It seemed to me that where ever I had landed, I must be someone else than who I am here. I turned away from them, and in that instant, the scene shifted back to a bedroom and a bed.

I was standing on the bed, and as I turned I started to walk off the edge and jumped to the floor. I felt this much as I would physically feel it if I went to do it right now except that gravity seemed a bet less in this place compared to here. I definitely felt it as I landed, but it seemed a bit too springy as I landed. I walked off down a short hallway that roughly corresponded to my own hallway in my house. I ended up in a room where there was a television that had been left on. I thought that this was rather out of character to have left the TV on when I went to bed, but it did not really look like my TV at all, and none of the stuff in my house seemed to correspond to this place. I noticed a digital clock on the top of the TV that said it was a bit past 1:00. I assume it was 1 am because the TV seemed to be showing an infomercial. And it ended just that fast. In my real world it was a bit after 3 am.

All I can say is that this, as short of a time as it took to get into and back out of, was one of the more odd things I have ever experienced. It was nothing like any OOBE I have ever had and I look forward to going there again.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Weird dream and false awakening

This was not a typical OOBE for me, or even a lucid dream of an OOB event. It did have a false awakening though, so somehow it fits the category of non-physical.

I was dreaming I was at work at my office job, but not any office I remember ever actually working. I was going to meet my new boss. Everyone else seemed to know this person already. As I was waiting, I suddenly and with no thought of my own stood on one leg, and started to spin. Even though I had not thought of doing this, it seemed normal in some way as if I had known how to do it all my life. This would be like a figure skater doing a scratch spin, but with no skates and no ice.

As I spun, I became aware of energy starting to form around me. And it was spinning with me. When I stopped, the energy went on spinning. I noticed that my boss had entered and was directing some sort of energy field towards me. Maybe, my energy was supposed to shield me from this new person? I am not sure. I put out my hands to defend myself from the beam of energy directed towards me. It was intense. I could not fight it.

I woke up.

Or did I?

I woke up and was confronted by a sudden burst of energy directed towards me from behind. It was partly a force field holding me motionless, and partly a energy beam being directed to various parts of my body at the same time. It was again, very intense. I could not stand the sound or the pressure of the energy being forced through me.

I called out to someone that this was going to kill me. I heard a response, "You will not die. I will die." The torrential stream of energy continued to blast through me.

I said, “This is going to make me crazy!!!” I heard no response. Or there actually was a response, but I could not understand it over the noise.

Then, it stopped.

I thought I was being watched. There was movement near me, and I saw someone peering into the room from above the doorway over the shinning of a small flashlight which had been directed towards me. Then a young girl of around 6-7 walked into the room from the other direction. She had reddish blonde hair cut very short. She just stood there and stared at me. Then the one with the flashlight came in. He was obviously her brother with similar features and hair, and probably 3-4 years older than she was. I have vague memory that a third child, younger than the others was also there, but just at that point I woke up for real.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Long trip to nowhere

Usually, when I have the vibration experience, I go at least one “place” somewhere- where ever that may be. It is normal in my experiences to leave and come back a number of times. One of those short trips out usually will become a longer stay that will be experienced as having been someplace, or see someone. Not so this time.

This time I was aware of at least 10, if not 15 separate starts and stops- more like a long series of waves of vibrations over an extremely long time. I was awake through it all. I was aware of myself in bed. I could hear outside noises. Wait- some of those outside noises were from a set of sprinklers going in the yard, so that can help pinpoint a time for this. I was aware of the sprinklers for at least the first 5 or so waves. The sprinklers turn off at midnight, and I finally stopped the experience and looked at a clock at 12:30 am. So that puts the time span at least to 30-45 minutes.

A “Wave” is the best way to describe this. There was always a background energy level. The intensity of vibration would build up, come to a crashing crescendo and then rapidly fall off to the background level to only build up again.

The first couple of times I tried my usual activity to leave and go someplace. But I guess I had no clear intention and I would just return again to my body. This is a normal pattern for me. Usually on the next try, I would get out and have a good trip someplace. Once I remember asking to see my guide. I put out my hands and sure enough I felt someone grab them. Off in the distance I could see someone. I heard laughter, and then I was back again. The rest of the experience, I just stayed in, so to speak. I coasted in the experience, just seeing how long it would last, listening to the outside world through the filter of the vibrations, feeling various parts of my body- seeing if I could get a bit more comfortable without killing the vibes. I was amazed at how long it continued. It would build up, and then crash and diminish only to build again.

I lost count of the number of waves that had happened. I could track back the last 5 or so in my head as this was happening, but it started to get a bit hazy when I tried to think of the total overall. Towards what I was beginning to realize would be the end, I tried a visualization experiment. I visualized what turned out to be a heavy ceramic coffee mug. I could feel it in my “hands.” It felt smooth and as heavy as a coffee mug would feel. I wondered what it would feel like to put it to my mouth, and it was just as you would expect. I imagined that there was actually coffee in it and tilted it back to take a drink. I felt the coffee in my mouth, but there was no swallowing. It just sort of was absorbed into my mouth as it came out of the mug. All the while, I could feel the vibrations, and as they started to diminish again, I felt as if it was time to stop all of this and go to sleep.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Maybe another coincidence

Or maybe not.

There is a person I knew ages ago and have only kept in touch with irregularly since then. In all cases since we have known each other, I have been the one to reestablish contact after a period of absence. I had currently not talked to this person in almost four years. Maybe that is why I chose them for the target person to contact in my OOBE of a couple of days ago. I was going to write about the OOBE right when it happened, but thinking back on it, standing alone, it was not really a remarkable event. And I am not sure I remembered enough details about it to even make it one I chose to include here. That was not until what happened two days later. This person contacted me.

It was not a remarkable OOBE as they go for me. I swung out and seemed to travel in ever increasing spirals as I went where ever I was going. I started to think of my target person, someone from the past more than a current thought in my mind. I was not really sure why I thought of them at this particular time.

After a time of traveling, I found myself flying down towards a sail boat of some sort. Off to one side I saw my target person standing. I continued down to them and made some sort of contact. Thinking back, I am not as sure I recognized them as they appeared to me then, or that I recognized the energy I had associated with them in the past. But, I knew I had the right person.

Overall, the contact was brief and I am not able to remember any one detail of it. That is one reason I was not about to write this one anywhere. What was the point?

Then I heard from them in real life not two days later. Initially, I did not think of the OOBE I had as possibly being related. But, this is the first time since we met almost 40 years ago that they have been the one to approach me after a long time of no contact. Why have they contacted me now? I am not sure. I have never discussed my “hobby” with them and I doubt they would understand. Maybe I am reading more into this than is really there. It is probably just an odd coincidence.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Virtual reality in OOBE

This was a bit odd, even for me. First, I had woken up, or at least I thought I was awake from a strange dream involving an old friend of mine. Last I remembered of it was that we were about to go someplace. Then all of a sudden, I felt the vibrations start up, and before I knew what was happening, I dropped down through the bed and floor and just kept going. 

Usually, and I think almost all of my experiences are more of the type that I fly out normally. It was odd to go in the complete opposite direction. I ended up in a place where I saw quite a few people I knew, but they were all a bit different than when I had known them. I was the only one who was floating, and they all seemed to be more in tune with the surrounding laws of physics. It seemed like this was some sort of a gaming facility or that is what I came away with. It was sort of an interacting virtual reality game. Those already there helped me get grounded and choose what I guess would be an avatar, but this was not really true. It was more that you chose a symbiot. 

The thing I was given actually merged into my “body” and I was there to help it somehow. And like a good virtual reality game, I had a package around my neck that contained energy pellets and liquid capsules of some sort. And it also had some sort of a weapon. One of the things allowed me to change my appearance. Once I was ready, I sort of blacked out and became aware of my body in bed. Then I went back to the experience and realized my companions had been carrying me. Once I was back, we went off to do whatever I was there to do. And that is about all I remember about it.

Monday, March 29, 2010

A future trip to the past?

In my last OOBE, it seemed that I went into the future. It turned out to be disappointing though. The place I went was just a dreary un-furnished apartment which I had explored for a minute as I was looking for other occupants. There were packed suitcases and boxes around as if people were either in the process of moving in or out. There were three other adults, and a teenage girl. I was standing in the kitchen with the adults, and the girl was sitting at the table to my right. 

I went over to a calendar that was posted on the refrigerator door to see what the date was, and noticed it was the year 2117. There was no real sense of it being in the future other than looking at the calendar. The refrigerator in the apartment seemed to be from the 1960s. So that part of it did not make a lot of sense. They did manufacture better quality appliances back then than they do currently, but this would be a stretch of reality to think one would be working in that far future day. One other weird part was that I was not the person I am now. The voice I spoke with was higher pitched than my normal voice. The "me" there, may have actually been a woman.

Monday, October 5, 2009


So, you might wonder what has been going on recently, and I would have to say- Not much. I have had a couple of instances in the last few months where I had numerous vibration episodes in a row. Once I had various “trips” associated with trying to find and see something identifiable to a target person I had not met previously. 
In this series, the only reportable “hit” was that the person had short dark hair. That is not much of a hit. I also heard a few things during this series that evidently were not even close to being related to my target person. But, I am only making an assumption of that since he did not mention anything about those things, or what I reported as having been heard. 

The second cluster of trips happened a few weeks later. That may be significant for me, since in the past few years, my ability to do OOBEs has been in serious decline for some reason. During this time, the series of trips began with my hearing my spouse saying something to me which I could not really understand. While I was pondering what may have been said, I heard a toilet flush. That is not all that significant unless I also tell you that there are a couple of reasons that I could not have really heard this. The main reason is that it was not the sound that our toilet makes. 

When I realized this, I also deduced that I probably really did not hear my spouse say anything either. I therefore decided to ignore the distractions, having realized that they were not valid. I had at least five separate trips, each one with stronger vibrations- But there is nothing to tell about the experiences – nothing I can remember anyway. Maybe there is one thing. 

I was able to trace the path of my vibrations. I know it has varied over time, but currently, it seems to start in the base of my head and shoot to the top. Then it flows back over my entire body. Vibrations vary for all. Some think it is a passing phase. For me, it has always been an integral part of the experience. Most recently, I had an experience in which I worked up the vibrations until I knew they were strong enough. I put up both hands, and saw sparks of energy flowing between them. I then decided for whatever reason, to forgo trying to go anywhere, and try to spread some of this energy to my spouse instead. I started by using both hands to position the sparks of energy over her- one at her head, and one at her lower back. Before I knew it, energy was flowing directly from me to her over our entire bodies. I have no idea what was happening, and she did not report anything of significance in the night.