Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Truth is Out There

Not all of my experiences involve communication with another being. Sometimes, I ask for such communication if I do not feel as if anyone is there, and nothing happens. Other times, I know right away there is something with me, and that it is not going to “tell” me anything. And then there are times that the being with me seems to talk unendingly, and I wish they would just keep quiet for a minute once in a while. On one trip that had no communication at all, I traveled out the furthest I have ever been. I am not sure where this would have been. It did not seem like any place I have seen or dreamed of before.

When this experience started, I first flew out attempting to go to whatever target I had in mind. It would not work. I just returned. I then re-initiated the vibrations, pushing them a bit- raising them in frequency, and strength. I changed my target to go to someplace where I could learn the truth about existence.

Immediately, I was traveling faster than I had ever remembered going previously. I traveled on, wondering what I was doing, and where I was going to end up. But, thoughts like this normally can disrupt the experience, so I kept my growing anxiety under control and returned to concentrating on the truth. I hit a pause.

I am not sure how to describe this. It was a pause in the sensation of motion, almost like I hit an eddy in a flowing stream, but as the pause happened, I sensed an increase in energy into me, and that energy was then instantaneously transferred to more movement, this time at an even greater speed. This second “jump” then hit a pause, and more energy flowed into me, and I was off again, and even a new greater speed. The third jump in energy and acceleration finally stopped, and I was adrift momentarily in darkness. As I got accustomed to having stopped, I gradually began to see details in the darkness. There was energy all around me, pulsating, and moving in whatever unknown purpose it might have had. I had no clue what any of this was, but it also seemed vaguely familiar on a certain level.

Suddenly, whoever I was in whatever this place was, reached out and grabbed some sort of hand-sized disc-like structure, and placed it in front of my forehead. This thing must have been some sort of energy focus device because I sensed a flow into me that seemed to start when it was in front of my head. Then, it was over, and I was instantly back. I am still not sure about this one. It was pretty intense, but I am not sure what about it had anything to do with the truth that would help me currently.

Whose life is it anyway?
I had the experience mentioned above in which I was a doctor during some sort of epidemic. I have also had an experience where I was, at least briefly, in the mind of a Native American. In the “doctor” experience, I knew I had been the doctor. In this one, I seemed to be only a visitor.

Preparations were underway for a ceremony. This involved a certain Native American in a small village. It was like I entered the ceremonial area, and at a particular time, I then entered the mind of that Native American. I remember a peculiar sense of duality. I was still me. I had memories of my current life. And at the same time, I was getting a sense of what my Native American host had been going through. He was nervous about the ceremony. There had been a lot of training and preparation leading up to this point, and he did not want to fail. I was not sure why I was there. He walked over to the designated place for the ceremony.


Suddenly, I sensed another presence in there with us. While I generally had a sense of what my host had on his mind, this other presence seemed foreign. I was pushed to the side a bit to make room. The new presence then used my host to speak. I had the feeling that this was what was desired by my host. It was expected, and I did nothing to interfere.


After this had gone on for a while, I knew the ceremony was near an end. Suddenly, I felt as if we were being picked up, and carried away from the ceremonial area. The next thing I knew, we were in very cold water. My host was not conscious, or at least not enough to respond to this. I “yelled” at him to come out of it. I tried to make him kick himself to the surface. Eventually, he overcame his lack of awareness and gained control enough to swim over to the bank of the stream we had been thrown into. He got out and looked back at a relatively still section of the stream. I could make out the reflection. He looked down at his tightly secured leggings and was glad they were still there since he had a bit of a hike to go on before returning to his people. He turned to leave, walking upstream. I remember that just before I left him, I thought to myself that just over the ridge from this spot was the city in which I currently live, or would be at some time.


Many years after this, I read a bit about Native Americans in our area. This makes a bit more sense to me now. The Native Americans of the area did have settlements in our local canyons, as well as near town. There were a few settlements in the area that is currently a ridge away from us. These Native Americans did wear leggings like those I saw on my host. And, they did have shamans who did ceremonies using, what we might refer to as mind-altering substances. This was just an interesting experience before, but the part about knowing in it that my future home was over the ridge from that spot seemed kind of strange. Maybe it bothered me because I thought of that as a detail that lessened the possible validity of the rest of the experience. I had known there had been Native Americans around here, but not specifically where. I had not known any of the local Native Americans would have ever had shamans or used them in ceremonies for the benefit of the group in some way. Maybe I was more than a visitor to this Native American. Maybe I had been him at some point somewhere.



  1. Hey, I'm Leilah on the astral pulse, noticed you had a blog so here I am. I've had a lot of things that been have happening lately that is definitely not the usual. The disc that you describe made my eyes go 0_0. For the last couple months, ive been expereincing a sort of disk like sensation in my head. Or even as if there are multiple discs. They seem to emit or create? very fast energy, or energy at an extremely high frequency? In the last month, I have been experiencing during mediation, what seems like a hand? sort of opening my forehead, or peeling it back, as if it is a sort of portal and everytime it happens I become immersed in these fractal like dimensions. Coming back to my body (though it seems i am simulateniously here and there) it is as there are octopus like or lines or tubes? that connect to each one of my energy centers.

    lol! Sorry didnt mean to go off on a tangent like that but as soon as you said dics my ears perked up. Is the disc thing a recent thing for you too? I've been having "OBE's" for about 6 or 7 years now and this is the first time I've noticed these disc or "octopus" like energy structures.

  2. This particular disc-like object has not been encountered since this experience.

