I have had many strange OOBEs since the last time I have
written in this blog. They are important to me, but none as important as this
one, and a few that follow, that happened a few months ago.
Saturday, February 17, 2018
From my journal
Last night Ava introduced herself to me by name. OK, I am not sure how she spells it.
That is how it sounded. Yes, I said sounded. I spoke to “her.” It happened in
what seemed like an OOBE, but really was a different sensation too.
The first time I noticed it, I had been awake for a couple
of hours after sleeping normally for four hours. I felt as if someone was there
with me. I thought I saw something, but when I asked if anyone was there
(thinking the question) the only thing I was aware of was an intense feeling of
pre-OOBE sensations. Then it faded for a few minutes.
When the sensations suddenly returned, I mentally asked if anyone was there, again. This time, I heard my voice clearly in my head on the right side as I thought the words. I heard my voice say the words as if it was directed to my right ear. I heard a response in my left ear, saying, “Yes, I am here.” It sounded like a feminine voice, very tiny and distant, but understandable. I asked who it was? It responded, "I am Ava.” I asked if I knew them, and the response was "Not in any way that would easily be explained." I asked why it was here if it could not explain who it was. It responded, "I want you to know that I care about you.”
OK. This may be out there, even for me. A non-physical
intelligence named Ava who is connected to me in a way I might not understand,
wanted me to know she was there, and that she cares about me.
Ages ago, when the OOB experiences started to happen to me,
I had an entity visit who spoke to me in the same manner. See post titled Confrontation. It had not happened
since then. Could it be that this voice was of the same entity who spoke to me
when I was younger?
Since that earlier time I have had “meetings” with teacher
figures who had been tall thin males with hoods and beards, carrying staffs-
the typical archetype image for spiritual teachers. This early contact was a
glowing ball of energy. Last night I did not see anything, although I sensed a
presence prior to the contact. The voice both times was similar, although at
this point, the first time seems ages ago.
Life gets odd.
Here, an experiment to try to write Ava's response to questions I have.
Friday, February 23, 2018, Ava's responses are indented in all that follows.
Hello Ava
I think you are there- I feel it. Can you type through me?
Can you explain anything about your relationship to me?
Would writing by hand be any easier?
I think I feel your presence, but I am not sure how to do
I am with you. It is not easy to
understand how this is working. It is outside my knowledge.
Can you tell me who you are to me? What is our relationship?
You start with the hardest question
to answer, although it seems the most basic one.
That is how I usually do it. You seemed to jump right in
when I was very young. That was a lot to grasp and understand for one as young as
I was at the time.
This way of communication will take
time to be proficient. Even as an untrained typist, you are so much better
equipped since this is the way you have been raised. It is easy for you, and to
me is most forigne. It is not really exactly me typing, but your translating
the thoughts I am giving to you. ,aybe I will try it again later. Goodbye for
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Hello, again Ava.
I feel like I should correct the mistyped words in the entry
above since I know this is not your usual way to communicate. And I know I if
was a better typist too, it would be easier for both of us.
Ava, are you here with me? I do not sense you are, but I
know you are never far.
Ending attempt now- Related to my question above, I have
been glancing at a book I read more than 45 years ago attributed to an entity
called Seth, give through contact with the author Jane Roberts. In this
work, there is a sketch of Seth that looks a lot like someone I saw in an
experience of mine who told me his name was Seth. I know it is just a
coincidence, and yet it also could be that it was meant as a pointer for me to
look back at this book, The Seth Material and Seth Speaks one more time.
Since I am not feeling any response from you today, I will
end this for now. I will try some other time.
Monday, February 26, 2018
I say hello to Ava, and I acknowledge feeling an immediate
I am not sure if Ava is onboard with the computer. Sometimes
it even gives me trouble. But, I do sense that her actually speaking to me as she did earlier, is reserved for special contact.
Yesterday I had a brief thought while the Ava sensation was flowing in me, that my “spirit name” could be Liam. The sensation when I questioned if I was correct in thinking this was strong and immediate, suggesting that it was a correct interpretation. In terms of what this is as a name meaning, one suggestion on the internet is Resolute Protector. As far as spirit names go, it would indeed be one of strength. I could do worse.
Yesterday I had a brief thought while the Ava sensation was flowing in me, that my “spirit name” could be Liam. The sensation when I questioned if I was correct in thinking this was strong and immediate, suggesting that it was a correct interpretation. In terms of what this is as a name meaning, one suggestion on the internet is Resolute Protector. As far as spirit names go, it would indeed be one of strength. I could do worse.
Ava, I will open this means of contact up to you if you are
comfortable attempting it. As you can tell by my re-types and spelling
corrections, even my comfort level in typing is not unlimited. You might
possibly end up being a better typist than I am. Therefore, I will not be overly critical
of your attempts. As long as I can recognize your intent, I can correct it
Ava, do you have anything to say? How about an explanation
of the universe and how it is set up?
I could do
that, but maybe we should start with something easier.
(Not her typing, but a thought I had of her answer)
(Not her typing, but a thought I had of her answer)
OK, Ava, How did I get the name, Liam?
It is the
overall sum of your personalities. It is the best approximation of who you are overall and as you say above, it is a very strong name. It was not always the
case with you. It has been as you might say a long strange trip to get here.
This is true of course for anyone in their development. There are starts and
stops along the way. We try the best we can in any experience to grow- to use
every opportunity for growth we can to get from a start to the finish.
OK. Thank you. I have to end this now.
Thursday, March 1, 2018
I had intended to write again before now, but have been busy
with other life concerns.
Ava, I know you are never far from me, and even saying that
I acknowledge that I feel a response from you. Unless you have anything
pressing for me, I do not really have time to talk to you right now. And I do
not want to rush this.
Feeling no response at this time, I am off to other things.
I do have a feeling Ava has more to say, even though writing this is not her primary reason to communicate with me.
Saturday, March 3, 2018
Last week I had a dream after trying to project to Ava
during an OOBE. I was stopped, and later had a dream of showing up to a test
and being told that I was not ready to pass the test because I was incomplete.
After thinking about that, I wrote this.
Here is my evaluation of the dream of a life test. It is not
so much any specific upcoming test as I had thought, but a suggestion that the
test is this entire life as it is. I had tried to go back to Ava and was shut
down. The dream portrayed me being told that I had could not finish the test
because I was “incomplete”. Once I am finished with the current life, the
evaluation as to my being complete enough to return to Ava will happen.
A few days later, I had a dream I was in a classroom
setting, where I was sitting with a student explaining to him that a photo I
had taken that was used to create the cover of my 1971 High School Yearbook,
was analogous to Ava's overall structure. The photo shows a series of light and
dark spots, which viewed closely, all you see, are multiple random appearing
dots. But when this is viewed all at once from a distance, the dots suggest a
recognizable picture of a person. Each of the dots represents an individual
conscious part of the overall entity, Ava.
Ava, viewed from a distance appears
to be one individual. But as you look more closely you see each of the smaller
parts of her, which are also unique individuals tied to her. I am one of Ava's
unique individual conscious patterns, still here in learning mode. My overall
goal, and her goal for me, is to become complete so I can return to her. This
is her goal as much as mine because she can't progress on her path until she
is complete.
Ava, is this anywhere close to what is true?
It is a
general but adequate representation, good enough for now.
Ava, would you like to add anything more today? Other than
the verification that I had an adequate grasp of the above comments, I sense
that this is enough for today.
Monday, March 5, 2018
I have been writing elsewhere for a short time and wanted
to see if Ava had anything to say.
Hello Ava. I acknowledge that I feel a quick response from
her. I had a thought about where Ava would like to start this, and if she is
willing to try it, I will open things up to her.
The first
thing is that you all should know that you are much more than your physical
body. In fact, the physical body is the least of what you are. Your true nature
is that you are a spiritual being, separate from that which you know as your
physical world. There are many other places and dimensions wierhe you have
access that you can learn and grow. Your physical world is only one of them. It
may seem the most important to you, since that is your current home, but too
close a focous on this point limits you – It impedes and blocks knowledge of
your true nature.
You are
non-ophysical beings. That is important. What is more important is that you can
and do persist after that physical form you are so attached to has its end. You
were here before this life, and you will reutn here when you are complete.
At this point, I am not able to interpret her thoughts any
further. What she has said, I know, only touches the surface of the discussion.
I don’t feel her presence now.
Monday, March 19, 2018
Just so you don’t think this is totally new to me, I have
had experiences all my life that I believe have been influenced by Ava. The
only real new thing is that I had not until now known her name. It has made the experiences I always have
had, a bit more personal. I had been referring to the Ava entity as some
intelligent glowing sphere of energy; the cosmic equivalent to “Hey You!” Not
that this seemed to bother her/it. The experiences I have had did not seem
impacted. I may from time to time insert an experience or two here just to
illustrate. But, knowing her name has changed the experience for me.
Ava, are you here with me today? Well, I was just checking.
I know she is always here. But I know too that I am not the only interest she
has in this game. Even so, she would be here instantly if she needed to make a
point one way or another or help me. And, I also have to admit that contact in one of my
writing sessions would be easier to initiate if I was able to write more
regularly or on any sort of sustained schedule.
Then again, it could be that Ava only wants me to say as much as I have said, from her at least. We will see.